-2001 Concurso para el Espacio Escénico de Vícar. Almería. In collaboration with Simone Solinas and Gabriel Verd. First prize
-2007 The Copper In Architecture 13. Prize for innovation in architecture. Special Jury Prize and First Innovation Prize
-2007 TECU Architecture Award. Public Buildings category. Awarded by KME. First Prize
-2008 SICE!2008 Prize. Prize for the Use of Copper in Architecture
-2008 SICE!2008 Prize. Sustainability/Innovation/Quality in Construction Prize. Mention
-2008 International Architecture Award, given by the Chicago Athenaeum. Selection of the best works built in 2007. Selected work for the travelling exhibition through Europa and EE.UU
-2008 ARCO Awards 2006-2007. Finalist project
-2008 Dedalo Minosse International Prize. Mention for building commissioners
-2009 ArchiBau Awards. First prize in Facades category
-2015 First edition of COAS Architecture Awards. Finalist in the category of “Building out of Seville”
SITUATION: Calle Horacio, 2, Vícal, Almería. >>Open in GOOGLE MAPS
DATES: competition (2001), project (2001-2002), construction (2004-2007)
CLIENT: Consejería de Cultura de la Junta de Andalucía, Diputación de Almería and Vícar City Council
ARCHITECTS: Nicolás Carbajal Ballell, Simone Solinas Serra and Gabriel Verd Gallego
BUILDING SURVEYORS: Víctor Baztán Cascales and Eduardo Vázquez López
STRUCTURAL ENGINEER: Francisco Duarte Jiménez
PHOTOGRAPHY: Hisao Suzuki and Roland Halbe
–Architécti Nº 59. Editora Trifório Lda., 2002. Dep. legal: 33593-90
–Arquitectura escénica Nº 01. Junta de Andalucía. Consejería de Cultura, 2003. ISSN: 16961560
–TC Cuadernos Nº 55. Concursos. Ediciones Generales de la Construcción, 2003. ISSN: 1136906X
–Tecu Architecture Award 2007. The winners. KME Group, 2007
–Copper Forum Nº 23. Lennart Engström, Luvata Pori OY, 2007
–AV Monografías Nº 123-124. España 2007. Arquitectura Viva SL, 2007. ISSN: 0213487X
–The Architectural Review, October 2007. EMAP Limited, 2007. ISSN: 0003861X
–Temas de Arquitectura Nº 6. Edificios culturales 1. General de Ediciones de Arquitectura, 2008. ISSN: 16988671
–Infodomus Nº 17. Informanews Iberia SA, 2008. ISSN: 18868762
–Green Architecture. ICEX+CSCAE, 2008
–Equipamientos Culturales Nº 28. Carlos Gonzalbo & Asociados SL, 2008. ISSN: 11368896
–Detail 2008 1. RBI Reed Business Information, 2008. ISSN: 15785769
–Cercha Nº 95. MUSAAT-PREMAAT, 2008. Dep. Legal: M-18993-1990
–Casabella Nº 771. Arnoldo Mondadori Editore, 2008. ISSN: 00087181
–Arte y Cemento Nº 2087. RBI Reed Business Information, 2008. ISSN: 02128578
–Arquitectos Nº 185. Esqueletos. CSCAE Consejo Superior de los Colegios de Arquitectos de España, 2008. ISSN: 02141124
–Architettura sostenibile. Skira, 2008. ISBN: 886130627
–Estudio Carbajal. Escuela de Arte y Superior de Diseño de Mérida, 2008. ISBN 9788461240289
–Area Nº 104. Tecniche Nuove, 2009. ISSN: 03940055
–Promateriales Nº 30. Editorial Protiendas SL, 2009. ISSN: 18888410
–Promateriales Nº 26. Editorial Protiendas SL, 2009. ISSN: 18888410
–Progetti di giovani architetti italiani. Utet Scienze Tecniche, 2012. ISBN: 9788859807063
The flat landscape of Vícar, a city at the foot of Gádor mountain range, is a big area colonised by greenhouses, an artificial sea whose limits merge with the Mediterranean. The site was an empty urban space between public facilities as a result of the free establishment of each building on its plot. One of our first intentions was to create a new order, a more comfortable place. Our effort was intended to achieve a logic organization of both theatre areas and free spaces for the community. On that direction, we designed flexible spaces: rehearsal rooms that could be extended through patios, halls that functions as exhibition areas, a cafeteria with terrace, etc. Thinking about the climate of Vícar we paid attention to the design of transition spaces, open and covered areas for meeting and participation.
The building rests over a base, in a classic way. The intention was to raise it to an upper level in order to highlight its singularity and try to reduce the basement excavation. Public enters through a big portico from the front plaza, a place that will house the crowd before and after the shows and separates the theatre from surrounding buildings. There is the ticket office. The loading and unloading area and restricted access entrance for staff and actors is planned from Homero Street. This entrance gives direct access to the backstage and dressing rooms, rehearsal rooms, workshops and management offices, arranged around a patio. The hall is placed under the stands. A copper lattice nuances both the light and the relation with the plaza. About the entrance areas to the auditorium, we tried to avoid the use of galleries in favour of larger and better illuminated spaces. The structural solution consists of a concrete sheet that turns in all directions, shaping built spaces. Later, this sheet was covered by a thinner-lighter layer made of different copper alloys.
>>En español