-2004 Competition for an Enterprise Center at the Technological and Aeronautical Park of Andalusia. Aerópolis. Seville. First prize
-2009 Spanish Architecture Prize. Selected work
-2015 First edition of COAS Architecture Awards. Second award in the category of “New-non residential building”
SITUATION: Aerópolis, Aerospace Technology Park of Andalusia, C/ Ing. Rafael Rubio Elola, 1, La Rinconada, Seville. >>Open in GOOGLE MAPS
DATES: competition (2003), project (1st phase 2005/2nd phase 2010), construction (1st phase 2006-2008/2nd phase 2010-2011)
CLIENT: Junta de Andalucía. Consejería de Innovación, Ciencia y Empresa. Agencia de Innovación y Desarrollo de Andalucía
ARCHITECTS: José Antonio Carbajal Navarro, Nicolás Carbajal Ballell and Rodrigo Carbajal Ballell
BUILDING SURVEYORS: Juan Castro Fuertes and Eduardo Vázquez López
SERVICES ENGINEER: Ove Arup & Partners
PHOTOGRAPHY: Hisao Suzuki, Roland Halbe, Jesús Granada and Estudio Carbajal
–Tajo + Guadiana. Escuela de Arte de Mérida y Agencia Extremeña de la Vivienda, 2006. Dep. legal: BA-690-2006
–Estudio Carbajal. Escuela de Arte y Superior de Diseño de Mérida, 2008. ISBN 9788461240289
–Area Nº 104. Tecniche Nuove, 2009. ISSN: 03940055
–Arquitectura Plus Nº 11. Grupo Vía, 2009. Dep. legal: M-44549-2005
–IV Premio de Arquitectura Ascensores ENOR. Grupo Ascensores Enor SA, 2009. ISBN: 9788469262634
–Oficinas Nº 285. Grupo Tecnipublicaciones SL, 2010. ISSN: 00300640
–Architecture Highlights 4. Shanglin A&C Limited, 2011. ISBN: 9789881564818
–Promateriales Nº 49. Editorial Protiendas SL, 2011. ISSN: 18888410
–CIC Arquitectura y Construcción Nº 488. Grupo Tecnipublicaciones SL, 2011. ISSN: 15761118
–Centro de Ingeniería y Diseño Aeronáutico. Edificio Aerópolis. Parque Tecnológico Aeroespacial de Andalucía, Aerópolis y Junta de Andalucía, 2012. ISBN: 9788469514566
The project is defined by an ensemble of buildings connected by an internal covered street, designed in a similar way to some streets in central Seville. Internal paths and pedestrian areas with gardens will go across the building, so work and exterior spaces will interweave when the whole block will be finished.
Two parallel building wings, with an internal corridor and office modules on both sides draw up a wide lobby crossed by bridges in different locations an heights. This contributes to the creation of different spaces along the way. These bridges are occupied by multipurpose rooms that serve either wings of the building.
The visitor has a clear orientation, with an easy access to circulation cores and services as shops, cafeteria, reception, training rooms and the auditorium, areas which promote socialising.
As a kind of curtain, a set of vertical concave-convex blinds protects the main facades (facing to east and west) against direct sunlight. The building offers an image of austerity while its singularity is developed inside. A contemporary building related to the architecture of Seville, an architecture characterized by the control of light and the creation of pleasant spaces connected to water or greenery. The reproduction of the classical sequence plaza-street-house defined by archs (the porch and bridges) and hallways (circulation cores) is accompanied by changes in scale and crossed views.
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