-2001 Concurso de Ideas para Espacio Escénico en el Puerto de Santa María. Cádiz. In collaboration with José Luis Daroca Bruño. First prize
SITUATION: Teatro Muñoz Seca, Plaza del Polvorista s/n, El Puerto de Santa María, Cádiz. >>Open in GOOGLE MAPS
DATES: competition (2000), project (2002), construction (2004-2006)
CLIENT: Consejería de Obras Públicas y Transportes de la Junta de Andalucía and El Puerto de Santa María City Council
ARCHITECTS: José Antonio Carbajal Navarro and José Luis Daroca Bruño
COLLABORATING ARCHITECTS: Nicolás Carbajal Ballell, Rodrigo Carbajal Ballell and Pilar Mencía Gutiérrez
BUILDING SURVEYORS: José Ignacio Montaldo Merino, Juan José López Carreño and Jesús Bozzo Fernández de Tirso
STRUCTURAL ENGINEER: Juan Benjumea Pino, Miguel Ángel Gil Martí and Francisco Duarte Jiménez
SERVICES ENGINEER: Departamento de Construcciones Arquitectónicas 1 de la ETS de Arquitectura de Sevilla
PHOTOGRAPHY: Fernando Alda
–Estudio Carbajal. Escuela de Arte y Superior de Diseño de Mérida, 2008. ISBN 9788461240289
–Tajo + Guadiana. Encuentro de arquitectos extremeños actuales. Escuela de Arte de Mérida and Agencia Extremeña de la Vivienda, 2006. Dep. legal: BA-690-2006
–Equipamientos Culturales Nº 29. Carlos Gonzalbo & Asociados SL, 2008. ISSN: 11368896
–Arquitectura COAM Nº 332. Colegio Oficial de Arquitectos de Madrid, 2003. ISSN: 00042706
–Arquitectura escénica Nº 00. Junta de Andalucía. Consejería de Cultura, 2002. Dep. legal: SE-4298-2002
–Atlas of European Architecture. Braun Publishing AG, 2015. ISBN: 9783037681923
The Project of this New Theatre was strongly conditioned by the site, provided by local government. A third of a block that was occupied by an old cavalry barrack, a partially demolished military structure which facade of piedra ostionera (a limestone rich in marine shells, very used in Cádiz) and lime mortar had to be preserved.
Our effort was focused on inserting in that old envelope a contemporary construction, containing the auditorium, the stage and relationship areas, and doing it in a natural way.
On the one hand we have preserved the facade and the adjacent areas, spaces that contain the services of the building. On the other hand we have designed a prism with the auditorium and the stage. This prism emerges over the old walls, showing the new use of the building. This new construction is a concrete enclosure that support powerful steel box trusses. Rehearsal rooms hang from that trusses, above the auditorium. The hallway, the foyer and other relationship areas, connected by a pair of asymmetrical stairs, are placed between the new construction (the prism) and the old one.
The auditorium, with a capacity of 600 spectators, is divided in three areas: the stalls, with a gentle slope, a first inclined plane that connects the levels of the hall and the foyer and a second one that reaches the control booth.
Finally, the project preserves the existing accesses to the building, getting different entries for public, actors and stage.
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